
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
It's ok to be a generalist
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
Tuesday Sep 03, 2019
I recently sent an email to my list about how it's ok NOT to choose a niche, and it sparked a lot of interesting discussion. This month, I'm bringing the conversation to the podcast. In today's episode, I'm sharing why I changed my mind on the whole "writers must have a niche" thing and offer comfort and encouragement to those of you who are struggling to get started because you don't have a niche. Join us in the Facebook group (ashleygainer.com/facebook) or send me an email with your thoughts and questions (support@ashleygainer.com).

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Why I love my paper whiteboard (and what that even means)
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
My mentor and dear friend Julie introduced me to the concept of the paper whiteboard. I took her idea and combined it with my trusty composition book strategy, added a dash of the bullet journal, and now I've got all my notes and brainstorms in ONE place. It's amazing. Now you can do it, too! Want more? Visit copychatter.com.

Monday Aug 19, 2019
Calendaring... my secret weapon for getting stuff done
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
I've tried a bunch of goal-setting and time-management systems... and also no system. Calendaring is the thing that works for me, so today I'm sharing my mad method with you! Like what you're hearing? Come hang out with me on Facebook! Look up the Ink Well Guild... or just go to copychatter.com and follow the link. See you there!

Monday Aug 12, 2019
Motivation will fail you... do this instead
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Monday Aug 12, 2019
Probably my least favorite question is some variation of "how do I keep going when I don't feel like it?" Here's my take on that whole "motivation" issue and what to do instead of relying on that flighty feeling. Want more? Copychatter.com has links to all my good stuff, including the Facebook group!

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Getting stuff done with kids underfoot (ask me how I know)
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
One of the things I get asked about the most is how to get stuff done when there are kids everywhere. I've got 3 small kids of my own, and I'm working from home... so I have a ton of experience and a LOT of opinions about this. Hear my best advice on today's episode. Want more? Check out copychatter.com and/or join us at the Ink Well Guild on Facebook.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Freelance Writing, 9 years later (a career update)
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
I get a lot of questions about what my work looks like these days. In this episode, I'll share some of the major shifts my career has taken over the past 8 months or so and give you a peek at what's coming. Eek! You can get links to a bunch of this stuff over at copychatter.com, or pop into the Facebook group and ask away.

Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Where to find freelance writing clients who pay well
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
Tuesday Jul 23, 2019
It's the million-dollar question, isn't it? Where do you find freelance writing clients who pay well? In this week's episode, I give you some pointers. Come join us in the Facebook group! Search for the Ink Well Guild -- that's where I'm hanging out these days. And if you liked this episode, would you mind leaving a review? That's such a big help for people like me. Many thanks in advance!

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
The difference between blogging and freelance blogging
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
I get questions about blogging all the time, which tells me there's some confusion between blogging--running your own blog-- and freelance blogging--which is what we're doing. Learn the ins and outs, the key differences, and whether freelancing or blogging is right for you! for more info on any of the jibber jabber, visit copychatter.com. Don't forget to subscribe!

Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Services You Can Offer, Beyond Writing
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
Tuesday Jul 09, 2019
This is the second in a 2-part discussion of what lies "out there" beyond blog posts, for freelance writers. Last week we talked about other types of writing; this week I want to pull back the curtain and show you all kinds of services that pair well with writing. Have fun with this!
If you're looking for help finding freelance writing clients, check out my new course! It's called Client-Bound and you can get all the info at copychatter.com/clients.

Monday Jul 01, 2019
What is there besides blog posts?
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
I like to teach my new freelance writers to start with blog posts, but there's a whole lot of other writing work you can do besides blog posts! I offer suggestions and resources, try to give an idea of the sub-types of gigs there are, and generally show you the great big world of freelance writing. (And next week, I'll talk about the other types of non-writing work you can do alongside freelance writing)
To learn more about the podcast, visit copychatter.com. To learn more about Client-Bound, visit copychatter.com/clients. Leave a review if you're so inclined! And of course, don't forget to subscribe!