
Monday Oct 26, 2020
How to get your first writing samples
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Whether you're just getting started or you're ready to start offering a new writing service, you're gonna need a portfolio. But how do you get writing samples when you don't have any gigs yet? That's what my wailing toddler and I are talking about today.

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Managing client expectations
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Managing expectations isn't the most glamorous discussion to have, but when client expectations go wrong, they go REALLY wrong and I want to help you avoid that! I have 7 tips to share with you about managing client expectations and staying happy as a freelancer.

Monday Oct 12, 2020
How to improve your writing
Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
If you wanna be a professional writer, you gotta be improving your writing skills along the way. I'm sharing 9 tips to help you out. Get cracking!

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Do you have to get on the phone?
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Good news and bad news: You don't have to get on the phone for every client... BUT, there will be times when you'll need to get on the phone if you want to get the gig. Client calls have a lot of benefits, but they're really intimidating for new writers. In today's podcast, we'll talk about why calls are a good idea, go over some pointers for conducting your calls, and then talk about setting boundaries around the whole "availability" thing.

Monday Sep 28, 2020
When should you write for free?
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
There's a dirty lie out there telling new and would-be freelance writers that they should write for free for a little while to "get established." I offer loads of juicy (and sometimes counter-guru) advice in this week's episode.

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Writing gigs that are recurring
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Landing a recurring writing gig is GREAT for your business. In this episode, we talk about what recurring work looks like and why I'm such a fan.

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Tips for writing faster
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
As a writer, I can get a little neurotic about my writing. Perhaps you can relate? What I've had to learn over the years is that there's a difference between doing a great job... and just being neurotic.
Being neurotic is fine, if it's not the thing keeping you from getting paid (or paid enough). But for many of us, it's a big block. And one of the neuroses I see out there in freelance writer land? They come down to various "reasons" why we can't write faster. Today I address those issues head-on.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Self-care when you're working from home
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
If there's one thing I've learned this year, it's that if I go down... everything goes down. I've been focusing on ramping up my self-care routines, and in this episode we'll go over my top recommendations for self-care specifically for the work-at-home warriors among us.

Monday Aug 31, 2020
3 ways to niche down
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
There are three different ways you can niche down, and you can combine any of these three to niche down even further. We're exploring what they are and how that looks in this episode.

Monday Aug 24, 2020
5 massive mistakes I've made as a freelance writer
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
I've been around a long time, and I did a whole lot of making it up as I went along. These are some of the huge mistakes I've made in my decade-long career... and how you can do better